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1957 Senior Class SAGA Yearbook Entries -

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HUGH MACKENZIE: preferred art and drafting; designed automobiles; played in the Band and the Orchestra; was in the Bible Club, and Boys’ Chorus; planned to attend Le Tourneau Technical College.
JOAN MAISAK: enjoyed foods and Senior Homemaking; collected salt and pepper shakers; planned to be married sometime in the future.
GAIL MARCELLUS: entered Normandy Senior High School at the beginning at the second semester; favored short-hand and office machines; went horseback riding us often as was possible; planned to attend an International Business Machines school.
MARILYN MARESCHAL: rated office machines and Senior Homemaking; liked to go horseback riding and skating; was undecided about the future.
ANDREA MARLER: “Andy” favored sociology and Senior Homemaking; was Girls’ Sports Editor of the Saga; took part in Future Teachers of America, the Senior Tri-Hi-Y, and Quill and Scroll; would major in elementary education at Southeast Missouri State College.
LOLA MASON: preferred typing, history end swim; enjoyed cooking in leisure time; hoped to become a secretary.
LYNN MASON: ranked chorus end English Literature; belonged to Mixed Chorus, Nonet, Choralettes, Pep Club, Tri-Hi-Y and was on all Girls’ Sports; would attend Michigan State University.
JAMES MATTOX: “Jim” rated chemistry, physics, and history as “tops”; was a member of Hi-Y; wanted to attend Washington University.
PATRICIA McBRIDE: “Pat” liked shorthand end typing best at all; future plans included marriage.
PATRICIA McCANN (Deceased): favored sociology and typing; participated in Tri-Hi-Y, Pep Club, Bible Club, Courier, and Orchesis; would attend college.
PATRICIA McGHEE (Deceased): liked United States History; belonged to Tri-Hi-Y, Girls’ Chorus, and Band; planned to attend college.
JANE McHANEY: enjoyed history the most of all subjects; took part in Band, Orchestra, Tri-Hi-Y, Girls’ Chorus, and Student Council; wanted to enroll in Drury College.
RUTH McINTYRE: favored English Literature; belonged to Creative Writers’ Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Courier, Drama, Nonet, Choralettes, Mixed Chorus, Honor Society, and Quill and Scroll; would enter the Medical School at Washington University.
CONSTANCE McLANE: “Connie” enjoyed English and history; took part in Girls’ Chorus, Tri-Hi-Y, Drama, Honor Society, and Quill and Scroll; was Senior Editor of the Saga; planned to major in political science at Washington University.
IRVIN MESTMAN (Deceased): ranked Math end Gym as “tops”; enjoyed participating in all sports; would attend the University of Missouri.
WILLIAM MEYER: chose Trig and Gym; took part in all sports; was a member of Letterman’s Club; would study engineering.
DENNIS MOAKLEY (Deceased): liked contemporary problems and government best; was vice-president of Hi-Y; planned to enlist in the Army upon graduation.
DORRIS MONTGOMERY (Deceased): preferred typing and shorthand most at all; enjoyed going skating and swimming; future plans included marriage and secretarial work.
DONNA MOODY: enjoyed art and sociology; liked to read in spare time; wanted to do clerical work in the future.
BARBARA MOORE: ranked social sciences and Math as “tops”; sang in Mixed Chorus, Choralettes, and Girls’ Quartet; planned to do office work.
MARILYN MOORE (Deceased): enjoyed office machines, history and foods; collected tickets for a hobby; would go to work in an office soon after graduation.
NELLA MOORE: rated psychology, foods, and drama; collected rock and roll records; was a member at the Bible Club, Tri-Hi-Y, and Pep Club; planned to do secretarial work.
DENNIS MORICE: favored general drafting; participated in Co-operative Occupational Education; would continue studying at the University at Missouri.
ROGER MORRIS: selected Gym and drafting as favorites; enjoyed going hunting; hoped to attend the University at Missouri.
ROBERT MURMAN (Deceased): “Bob” liked science best; worked on cars in spare time; planned to enlist in the Armed Services.
PATRICIA MYERS: favored Senior Homemaking and history; was a member at the Girls’ Chorus and the Mixed Chorus; wanted to work in a bank after graduation.
CAROL NEIDRINGHAUS (Deceased): liked typing and English; belonged to Orchesis, Mixed Chorus, Tri-Hi-Y, and Pep Club; was Faculty Editor at the Saga; would enroll in the University at Missouri.
JOHN NEIMEYER: preferred general metals and mechanical drawing; hoped to attend the General Moters Institute.
JAMES NOBLE: “Jim” enjoyed mechanical drawing; had photography as a hobby; would enlist in the Navy.
IRL OTTE (Deceased): chose auto mechanics and art; liked to go hunting and fishing; played intramural football and basketball; planned to go to a trade school.
PATRICIA OWENS: “Pat” enjoyed biology; participated in Orchestra, Tri-Hi-Y, and Girls’ Sports; future plans were undecided.
RICHARD OWENS: elected English and physical education; belonged to Future Teachers; was co-captain of the Baseball Team and treasurer at Letterman’s Club; would attend Southeast Missouri State College.
GRACE PAPENDICK: favored United States History and English; belonged to Orchesis, Tri-Hi-Y, and Mixed Chorus; was a Cheerleader; would major in dance at Washington University.
PATRICIA PATTON: “Pat” elected physics and Courier; participated in Orchesis, Tri-Hi-Y, the Mixed and Girls’ Choruses, and Pep Club; wrote the Fashion Column in the Courier; hoped to enroll in the University of Missouri.
JAMES PAVELAC: liked geometry most at all; built model boats in leisure time; planned to go to work.
RICHARD PETTITT: ranked physics and chemistry; was a member of Hi-Y and Bible Club; would attend the University at Missouri.
DORIS POHLMANN: elected sociology and Senior Homemaking; sang in Mixed Chorus; wanted to become an airline stewardess.
SANDRA PONTICELLO: chose bookkeeping; took part in Tri-Hi-Y and hockey; would attend business school.
NORMA JEAN PORTER: no text entry in Saga.
BOYD POSTON: enjoyed Courier and Spanish; participated in Courier, Quill and Scroll, and Pep Club; would enter the journalism field.
JUDITH PRUETT (Deceased): preferred English and history; belonged to Debate and Creative Writers; planned to go to the University at New Mexico.
WILLIAM PUCKETT: selected Gym and typing; played intramural volleyball; hoped to enroll in Itwamba Junior College.
NANCY PUTZ: favored English and sociology; participated in Mixed Chorus, Choralettes, Sextet, Pep Club, and Tri-Hi-Y; was treasurer of Orchesis; hoped to attend Drury College.
ANGELO QUARTARO: enjoyed history and psychology; liked to play basketball; played in the Band; would study for a musical career.

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