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1957 Senior Class SAGA Yearbook Entries -

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VINCENT RANDAZZO (Deceased): “Vince” preferred woodworking and Gym; made furniture in spare time; planned to work at Burroughs Glass Company.
BARBARA RAYFIELD (Deceased): ranked clerical practice and dancing; belonged to Tri-Hi-Y, Pep Club, Orchesis, and Student Council; was a Cheerleader; wanted to do office work.
CAROL REEVES: enjoyed English Literature; took part in Co-operative Occupational Education; would attend Southwest Baptist College.
MARY REINHART: preferred Math and English; was a member of Future Teachers, Honor Society, and Quill and Scroll; was secretary of Tri-Hi-Y, Valedictorian, and Editor-in-chief of the Saga; would continue studies at Coe College.
HELEN REITER: selected English and shorthand; was a member of the Tri-Hi-Y; future included marriage.
JACQUELYN REPPY: liked bookkeeping; belonged to Co-operative Occupational Education and Pep Club; wanted to become a bookkeeper.
JUDITH RICHTER: chose clothing and shorthand; sang in the Girls’ Chorus; planned to major in Home Economics at the University of Missouri.
DANIEL RISTER: favored physics; played basketball and baseball; was secretary of Letterman’s Club; would attend Southeast Missouri State College.
RUTH ROBERTS (Deceased): preferred swimming and typing; future plans were undecided.
ALENE ROE: elected United States History and algebra; participated in Vikingettes, Mixed Chorus, Choralettes, Tri-Hi-Y, and Girls’ Sports; was School Life Editor of the Saga; would enroll in the University of Missouri.
CLARENCE ROSEMANN: enjoyed Co-operative Occupational Education and government; planned to enlist in the Army.
GARY ROSENGREEN (Deceased): ranked history and English; played Basketball and Tennis; was in Letterman’s Club and Hi-Y; resolved to attend William and Mary.
DONNA ROSS: liked typing and Gym; would attend a business college.
RONALD ROTH: chose history and mechanical drawing; took part in Hi-Y and wrestling.
MARIE ROUHSLANGE: rated Math and general drafting; sang in both the Mixed Chorus and Choralettes; would major in engineering of Tulsa University.
BRENDA ROWAN: preferred shorthand and bookkeeping; planned to go to work.
LEAH ROWE (WENTHORNE): enjoyed Senior Homemaking and clothing; was married during the year.
SONIA SANDAU: “Son” preferred chemistry and art; played the piano and accordion in spare time; belonged to the Art Society, the Girls’ Chorus, the Tri-Hi-Y, the Creative Writers’ Club, and the Pep Club; planned to enroll in Central College.
CONNIE SANDERS: enjoyed bookkeeping and typing; liked to go horseback riding and swimming; would work in an office after graduation.
CLARK SAUNDERS (Deceased): selected typing and woodworking as favorite subjects; read all kinds of books in leisure time; planned to become a glazier.
ROBERT SCHAEFER: “Bob” liked Trig best of all; collected foreign stamps as a hobby; participated in the Hi-Y, Boys’ Chorus, and Letterman’s Club; was captain of the Basketball Team; hoped to attend college.
DAVID SCHAUB: chose English and history as favorites; was on the Debate Team, in the Drama Club, and in Our Town; won a NROTC Scholarship.
JANET SCHMIDT: “Jan” liked contemporary problems most; was a member of Choralettes, Mixed Chorus, Girls’ Chorus, and Tri-Hi-Y; wanted to become a floral designer.
RAYMOND SCHMIDT: “Ray” elected United States History as his best liked subject; enjoyed working on automobiles; took part in Hi-Y and Letterman’s Club; was tri-captain of the Swimming Team; had made no definite choice of a college.
WENDY SCHMIDT: preferred Economic Geography, art, and English; grew flowers as a hobby; was a member of the Art Society, Hockey Team and Volleyball Team; wanted to become an illustrator.
VIRGINIA SCHMUTZ: preferred dance and Senior Homemaking; collected picture post cards as a hobby; belonged to the Senior Tri-Hi-Y and the Pep Club; planned to work in an office after graduation.
ARTHUR SCHROEDER (Deceased): “Art” selected psychology and contemporary problems; hunted and fished in extra time; took part in Hi-Y; would enter the law school at the University of Missouri.
DORIS SCHROEDER: enjoyed typing and office machines more than any others; intended to become a receptionist for a doctor.
DOROTHY SCHUCHMAN: “Dart” preferred English and psychology above others; kept a scrapbook of all high school activities; participated in the Student Council; was Assistant Advertising Manager on the Courier Staff and Chaplain of the Senior Tri-Hi-Y; would join the WAVES.
OWEN SEATON: liked English Literature most of all; was on the Wrestling and Track Teams and in the Letterman’s Club; was co-captain of the Football Team; would enroll in Purdue University.
BETTY SElLER: elected Senior Homemaking as a favorite subject; liked to cook in leisure hours; was a member of the Co-operative Occupational Education; plans for the future were undecided.
CAROL SHANNON: enjoyed bookkeeping most of all the high school subjects; liked all sports especially horseback riding; took port in CO-ED Swimming and the Girls’ Chorus; was married during the year and would become a homemaker.
DOROTHA SHELTON: “Dotie” enjoyed all kinds of history; liked to sew in leisure hours; belonged to the Bible Club, square dancing group and girls’ tennis; plans for the future were undecided.
LAWRENCE SHLES: “Larry” favored English, Biology, and Trig; played the piano and studied meteorology; sang in the Mixed Chorus; was Art Editor of Saga and Treasurer of Creative Writers’ Club; planned to enroll in Washington University.
RICHARD SICKENDICK (Deceased): liked art most of all; worked on cars in spare time; was a member of the Hi-Y and Co-operative Occupational Education; would go into business.
DALE SIGMUND: elected contemporary problems and English Literature; liked to swim and to play golf; participated on the Swimming Team and the Senior Steering Committee; was Photography Editor of the Saga; and vice-president of the Letterman’s Club; would study law of the University of Missouri.
ROSEMARIE SIPOLE: “Rosie” preferred typing and chorus; liked to go bowling and swimming; sang in the Mixed Chorus; planned to go to a business school.
CLIFFORD SMITH: selected chemistry and history as favorites; enjoyed all sports; took part in Letterman’s Club, the Hi-Y, the Tennis Team, and the Student Council; would attend Washburn College.
CRAIG SMITH (Deceased): liked history, chemistry, and physics; collected stomps; participated on the Football and Track Teams, Boys’ Chorus, and the Mixed Chorus; was a Boys’ Sports Editor of the Saga; won an appointment to Annapolis.
FLOYD SMITH: enjoyed math and science most of all; took part in the Hi-Y and the Football Team; hoped to attend the Missouri School of Mines.
ROGER SMITH: preferred Gym above other subjects; went hunting and fishing; would enlist in the Navy after graduation.
SANDRA SOLLIS (Deceased): “Sandy” elected the course in Co-operative Occupational Education for a favorite; collected zinc pennies; was a member of the Senior Tri-Hi-Y; planned to work for the government.
SALLY SPEHR: “Sal” favored English and dance; liked to go ice-skating; belonged to the Tri-Hi-Y and Co-operative Occupational Education; wanted to become a receptionist.
JANUS SPILKER: “Jan” liked English and sociology better than other subjects; took part in Orchesis, Creative Writers’ Club, Mixed Chorus, Choralettes, the Nonet, Future Teachers of America, Tri-Hi-Y, and Pep Club; was Managing Editor of the Saga and a Cheerleader; would major in elementary education at Southeast Missouri State College.
WILLIAM STECKERT: “Bill” liked Math most of all; enjoyed all sports; was a member of the Student Council; would study engineering of the Missouri School of Mines.
CAROL STEMMERMAN: elected clerical practice, bookkeeping, and Senior Homemaking; went skating in leisure time; plans included marriage after graduation.
CURTIS STIEFERMAN (Deceased): preferred history, science and Math; participated in the Hi-Y and Co-operative Occupational Education; planned to enroll in the Missouri School of Mines.
MARVIN STIERS: preferred biology and chemistry most of all; planned to travel extensively after graduation.
AUSTIN STRAUSSER: enjoyed woodworking and auto mechanics; collected all kinds of records and played basketball; would enlist in a branch of the Armed Services.
ROLLAND STRUEBLING: chose physics biology, and economics as favorites; collected pennants from different cities throughout the United States; was a member of the Bible Club; would attend a trade school.
LEWIS STUCKEY: liked mechanical drawing and wood working more than any other subjects; went hunting and fishing; plans for the future were undecided.
ELIZABETH STUESSE: “Bets” enjoyed shorthand most of all the courses; belonged to the Senior Tri-Hi-Y, Quill and Scroll, Pep Club, and the Mixed Chorus; was the Feature Page Editor of the Courier; wanted to do office work.
CURTIS SURKAMP (Deceased): “Curt” liked psychology, typing, and Latin; collected unusual stamps and rare coins; took part in Quill and Scroll, the Boys’ and the Mixed Choruses; was the Business Manager of the Courier; planned to enroll in Elmhurst college.
FRED SWEENEY (Deceased): enjoyed the course in Co-operative Occupational Education; would enlist in one of the branches of the Armed Services.
AUDREY SWOBODA: “Aud” favored Math and clothing; all sports—especially swimming—were favorite forms of recreation; was a member of Orchesis, Senior Tri-Hi-Y, square dancing, and girls’ sports groups; wanted to study retailing at Washington University.

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